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Aventura Post GmbH

Am Unisys-Park 1, 65843 Sulzbach/Ts., Germany

Aventura Post GmbH is registered with the Frankfurt am Main Local Court under the Commercial Register number HRB 101533 and is legally represented in court and out of court by the Managing Director Héctor Martinez. The VAT-ID number is DE300476958.

We are available for any question you may have. Please send us an email to


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Platform of the EU Commission

Platform of the EU Commission regarding online dispute resolution:


Aventura Post GmbH has the rights for all texts, graphic art as well as the layout, the HTML code and the scripts. Any kind of further use requires the explicit approval of the Aventura Post GmbH

Data Protection Statement of Aventura Post GmbH

Data protection is of particular importance to us, Aventura Post GmbH - (hereinafter referred to as “Aventura Post/us/we”), Am Unisys-Park 1, 65843 Sulzbach/Ts., Germany, represented by the managing director Héctor Martinez. Therefore we would like to inform you, as the responsible party, about the type, scope and purpose of any collection, storage and/or use of personal data following the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You can contact us at any time at our postal address or by e-mail to the following address:

You can reach our data protection officer at

    With this declaration we wish to inform you of the aspects of our offering relevant to data protection, in particular:
  • about the collection and storage of your personal information,
  • about the transfer and use of your personal information and
  • about your rights.

1. Which personal information will be collected and saved?

When you fill out the entry fields when using out website and/or to contact us, and/or to log occasionally a visit our website, personal data may be collected as follows:

  • We collect and process only personal data that you make available to us through contact, with your knowledge, by filling out the contact form. The personal data collected may include the following information: Surname, First Name, Address, Company, Country and e-mail address as well as possibly additional information you provide. Aventura Post will not perform any other sort of collection of your data.

Additionally personal information can be collected during your visit to our website, in particular data volume, location and time, IP address and other communication information that is provided through the use of your computer. We also process personal data of the same data categories that is transferred to us by our partner with your knowledge.

In addition to the data listed, other data, such as local times, times zones and use data may be saved.

Statistical data for a visit to our website may be collected and stored. Statistical information includes data about the use of a special internet browser and the model.

2. How and why your personal data is processed, used and transferred by us and what it is used for

If you have provided us with personal information through the use of our contact form, we will only use this to provide you with the desired service and the associated technical administration. Within this context we would like to point out that we use the personal data provided by you in the form of the advertising e-mail dispatch and/or when using the contact form to add you as a contact to our contact program and save the information (article 6 (1) (b) (f) GDPR). There is no additional collection of your personal data directly by us.

Your personal data may also be sent to us by one of our partners if you have registered on their website and if you have given consent to receive advertising e-ails, whereby their interest-based embodiment of this represents your legitimate interests as well as ours (article 6 (1) (a and f) GDPR).

Within the framework of the dispatch of advertising e-mails, we can also occasionally make use of the option of sending you advertisements that may match your interests to the e-mail address you provided using electronic post. Advertising may also include third-party products (article 6 (1) (a and f) GDPR).

Processing of your personal data may also lead to an assertion of your rights (article 6 (1) (c and f) GDPR), as you can find in number 5 of this data protection statement.

In addition, forwarding of your personal data may occur in such cases, in which we are legally obligated (article 6 (1) (c) GDPR) or if there is an enforcement of other rights/claims, such as required for legal defense, if and to the extent that these represent the legitimate interests of the organizer or other third parties (article 6 (1) (f) GDPR). The same applies to the case of (even partially) purchase or sale of company value and/or assets, in the case of other take-over of our business by a third party, in the case of the opening of insolvency proceedings or if the opening of such was denied due to insufficient assets.

The e-mail address will not be forwarded to third parties for the purpose of advertising. Naturally, you may object to the dispatch of advertising e-mails at any time. Please read section 5 of this data protection statement for the relevant right of objection.

3. Where and for how long we save your personal data and where your data may be exported

a) Your personal data is saved by us within the European Economic Area. There is no saving or data transfer in or to third countries.

b) If no deletion or blocking due to your assertion of your rights listed under section 5 takes place, your data will be permanently stored and used for the aforementioned purposes.

After you revoke consent to data processing and/or declare your objection to this, we will put you on our blocking list immediately. This means that we will no longer use your personal data for marketing purposes and will no longer continue to forward it. We will only save your data for legal purposes (such as for burden of proof defense and asserting claims etc.), and will delete this after four years, if there are no urgent grounds not to do so or if for other reasons data processing is allowed through a new consent.

In addition, we act in the same manner if we do not use your personal information over a period of 24 months, meaning neither for our own marketing purposes nor for those of our customers.

4. Protection of your personal data

We take appropriate preventative measures - administrative/organizational, technical and physical - to protect your personal data from loss, theft, misuse, unauthorized access, unauthorized forwarding, unauthorized changes and destruction. Thus your data will be protected, in particular within the framework of admission control (secure location of servers to which access is granted only according to a defined security procedure), input control (encryption of the data transfer in 128 bits, individual password, menu and authorization issue to the employees, updated virus protection), access control (individual access authorization for employees through personal account, identification and authentication requirement), forwarding control (continual control and information to the authorized parties, no local data storage, protocols of all data exports and transmissions), entry control (account-related audits, protocols with time stamps and host), order control (constant monitoring by the managing directors and data protection officers, clear contract creation based on the provisions of section 11 of the Bundesdatenschutzgesetz and article 28 GDPR in coordination with the data protection officers and management) and availability control (general security measures of the hoster [UPS, halon gas system etc.], back-up streaming to another location [with all security precautions, see access control] every night, mirroring on two additional hard drives, virus protection programs).

Despite these precautions, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transfer to our website due to the insecure nature of the internet. Therefore, you transfer any data to our website at your own risk.

5. What are your rights?

You have the right, according to article 15 GDPR, to access information about your saved personal information at any time, including the origin and recipient of your data and the purpose of data processing.

You also have the right to request that we correct any incorrect personal data (article 16 GDPR). You can also request a limitation of processing if the conditions under article 18 (1) GDPR apply, such as if you contest the accuracy of your personal data.

You also have the right to revoke consent granted for the processing of your personal data effective for the future (article 7 GDPR). This revocation does not, however, affect the legality of the processing done previously.

You also have the right to request the provision of personal data sent to us in a format that allows for transmission to another location (article 20 GDPR).

Under the conditions of article 21 (1) (2 and 3) GDPR, you can object to the data processing for reasons arising from a special personal situation.

You also have the right to assert your right to deletion of your data and to be forgotten pursuant to article 17 GDPR. If there are legal grounds, we will proceed in this regard even without a relevant request on your part and delete your personal data.

In order to assert your rights as listed in this section, please contact us at Aventura Post GmbH, c/o Talk2 GmbH, Rheinstraße 22, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany or at the following e-mail address:

There is also an option of contacting the responsible data protection authority for Aventura Post GmbH with any complaints, the Hessian Data Protection Officer (Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 1, 65189 Wiesbaden, PO Box 31 63, 65021 Wiesbaden, Germany), or any other controlling authority.

6. Server-Log-Files

Information is collected automatically and saved by the provider of the internet site in so-called server-log-files. These are sent automatically to us by the browser. This involves browser type/browser version, operating system used, referrer URL, host name of accessing computer, time of server request. This data cannot be attributed to a specific person. These data will of not be linked to other data sources. If there are concrete indications of illegal use, we reserve the right to subsequently review this data.

7. Use data and cookies

We do not save any user data and also do not use cookies.

8. Minors

This site, including the data protection statement, is not aimed at minors. There is no conscious collection, use and/or forwarding of the personal data of minors.

We are committed to complying with the Digital Services Act (Regulation (EU) 2022/2065). Therefore, here are some useful information for you:

  1. POINT OF CONTACT FOR AUTHORITIES: If you are a Member State authority, or a member of the Commission, or a member of the European Board for Digital Services, our point of contact for matters related to the Digital Services Act can be reached at the e-mail address or at the address Am Unisys-Park 1, 65843 Sulzbach (Ts.), Germany, and can communicate in English and German.

  2. POINT OF CONTACT FOR USERS: If you are visiting our website as an user, our point of contact for matters related to the Digital Services Act can be reached at the e-mail address or at the address Am Unisys-Park 1, 65843 Sulzbach (Ts.), Germany.

  3. CONTENT MODERATION: To comply with Art. 15 (1) (c) (e) of the Digital Services Act, we here inform you about how we do content moderation - or, in other words, how we prevent illegal content from happening on our website. We have technical measures in place to keep our website safe, e.g. the restriction of logon within our servers which enables just authorized users to get access, use of firewalls, staff training, and backups. Our webpage is monitored daily to avoid malfunctions and incidents. We do not use purely automated means to do content moderation.

  4. HOW TO REPORT ILLEGAL CONTENT: If you wish to report the existence of illegal content found in our webpage, you can write an e-mail to making sure that you inform:

    (a) Why do you believe that the content is illegal;

    (b) The full link of the webpage in which you found such content, and addition optional information such as screenshots;

    (c) Your name and e-mail address, unless you are reporting content related to Articles 3 to 7 of the Directive 2011/93/EU (in such cases you can remain anonymous); and

    (d) Attach a statement in which you confirm that the information you have provided is accurate and complete, with your signature.